Wes Geer’s Impactful Speaking Engagements in 2023: Building a Legacy of Recovery
As a pioneer in the realm of music and addiction recovery, Wes Geer has continued to extend his influence through a series of compelling speaking engagements throughout 2023. His commitment to leveraging his personal journey from rock music to recovery has resonated profoundly, offering hope and inspiration to diverse audiences seeking transformation and healing.
Teen Drug Summit: Empowering the Next Generation
Geer’s involvement in the Teen Drug Summit stood as a testament to his dedication to preventive measures against substance abuse among the youth. Held in a collaborative effort with various community organizations, Geer’s keynote address focused on fostering resilience. Derek from the Summit reported that “Not only was his message spot on, he did such a great job engaging the kids and keeping them attentive to the message.”
Live Broadcast to Kansas Prisons: Extending Hope Behind Bars
In a groundbreaking initiative, Geer’s speech at a treatment center in Kansas was live-streamed to multiple prisons across the state. Through his candid account of battling addiction and reclaiming his life, Geer sparked a beacon of possibility for those confined, emphasizing that transformation and recovery are attainable regardless of circumstance. The broadcast aimed to instill a sense of belief and empowerment, encouraging inmates to embrace a path towards positive change. Victor Fitz, of Sackansas commented on the “powerful impact of his note address to the audience. You could feel the love.”
Seal Beach Speakers: Inspiring Transformation and Recovery
Geer’s presence at the Seal Beach Speakers event marked a significant moment in his journey as a catalyst for change. His authenticity and vulnerability resonated deeply, fostering empathy and understanding among attendees. Geer’s message transcended barriers, touching the hearts of individuals seeking solace and direction on their own paths to recovery.
Arizona Prison
Wesley delivered a powerful talk on recovery to 116 incarcerated people in Arizona. He understood his audience and articulated a powerful message that served their needs. Wesley spoke to the value of taking ownership, how he used his transformation as a springboard to making one’s best contributions to the world, and transforming past mistakes into sources of good. Much more.
Our nonprofit delivers numerous in-prison events; speakers such as Wes fuel our fire, allowing our work to make a transformative impact.
—Ed Kressy, C.E.O., Uncarcerated (a nonprofit)
It seems he is forging a path of impact.
“I highly recommend Wes and his message to anyone that needs a engaging, positive, down to earth speaker that can speak to the audience.”
Stay tuned for more updates on Wes Geer’s journey and upcoming speaking engagements, as he continues to empower and uplift those seeking a path to recovery and renewal.

Speaking Topics:
Vortex of Radness™ – Wes’ signature topic on removing emotional and creative blocks, and creating your dream life
Party Like a Pro – A fun discussion about harm reduction and making good choices at parties and events
Overcoming Addiction as Your Higher Self – Wes’ experience on how he beat the deadly disease of addiction
The Efficacy of Music Therapy in Treatment -As the Creator and Founder of the innovational music therapy program Rock to Recovery©, Wes shares his vast knowledge and experience of the clinical and therapeutic benefits of experiential music programs in the treatment of addiction, mental health, PTSD, TBI, eating disorders, at risk youth, etc.
Campus Confidence – A how-to for navigating life’s social challenges in high school and college by creating your network of success